Insect Lures For Sugarcane Internode Borer (Chilo Sacchariphagus Indicus)(Pack-10 Pcs)
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SKU: SD-PC-2021773-C1
₹410 (Including GST)
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Short Description
Sugarcane Internode Borer Pheromone Lures Recommended for Sugarcane
Made in India
Country of origin: India
Insect Lures For Sugarcane Internode Borer (Chilo Sacchariphagus Indicus)
Description :
Sugarcane internode borer - In India it is considered to be a major pest of Sugarcane. The pest appears late in the growing phase of the crop and is active in the post-monsoon and harvest periods. The larvae infest the soft internodes, 80% of attack is being noticed generally on the first five internodes. The attack is severe on autumnplanted crop than spring-planted crop. Attacked canes lose weight considerably and juice quality also deteriorates. About 20 to 50% canes are infested. Low temperature and high humidity are favorable for the multiplication of the insect.
Specification :
Product Type : Pheromone Lures
Brand : PC (Made in India)
Duration of working : 30 days after installation
Application :
Recommended for Sugarcane.
Recommended trap model Phero-Sensor - SP or Phero-Sensor - BP
How to Use :
ETL for Chilo sacchariphagus indicus is 6-8 No’s of moths per trap per day.
Use 8-10 No’s Pheromone Traps per acre from 1st week of June to control pest at early stage.
Trap canopy should be placed one feet above crop canopy to achieve optimum catch.